Have you been recently fired from your job? Do you think that your termination was illegal or unethical? Well, if you think so then in that case you can file a lawsuit against your employer for wrongful termination. Wrongful termination occurs when the employer fires an employee on unethical or illegal grounds such as discrimination, harassment, taking medical leave to name a few. You can file a case with an experienced Los Angeles wrongful termination attorney and the attorney will help you with the claim.
In the case of wrongful termination, you as an employee are eligible to get a wrongful termination claim. With the help of a Los Angeles wrongful termination attorney, you can file for a wrongful termination claim in the court that includes the breach of state or federal anti-discrimination laws, employment contract or agreement, whistleblower laws, or labor laws. If you feel that your termination was based on retaliation for filing a complaint against unethical practices or sexual harassment, then you also have all the right to file for the wrongful termination claim.
What are the grounds to file for wrongful termination claims?
Filing a complaint with EEOC
When you decide to sue your employer for wrongful termination, there is a process that you must follow. With the help of the Los Angeles wrongful termination attorney, you have to file a complaint along with some evidence or proofs with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Your attorney can do this for you without leaving any room for errors.
Once you file the complaint, the EEOC then starts investigating your case. Once the investigation from EEOC is done, you can proceed to file a lawsuit against the employer for the wrongful termination claim.
Filing for a wrongful termination claim involves a lot of other things and is not limited to one area of law. When you file a lawsuit for the claim, all the circumstances will be examined that led to it. A simple example to understand it is if your employer fired you on discriminatory or sexual harassment grounds such as gender, race, sex, religion, or nationality, then the basis of the lawsuit becomes sexual harassment and discrimination and based on that you can file for a wrongful termination claim.
There are numerous minute things in wrongful termination claims as it is not limited to just one legal issue. To know more about various other factors, it is always recommended that you consult a Los Angeles wrongful termination attorney.
Damages that an employee can get for wrongful termination lawsuit
When you file for a wrongful termination lawsuit, the most usual solution to it is given as monetary compensation for all the damages that you have suffered. The amount to be received will completely depend on the grounds of your case and the laws surrounding it. Apart from that, it is not always necessary that the claim for the wrongful termination you will receive will be monetary. The court can also order for reinstating you back to the job, issuing an order to the employer to stop doing inappropriate things at the workplace or redo the filings and processes of hiring and firing the employees. But here are the certain costs that are covered:
• Attorney fee
• Los wages
• Mental and emotional sufferings
• Expenses related to claim
• Lost benefits, to name a few.
Therefore, if you strongly believe that your firing was wrongful, then firstly, consult a Los Angeles wrongful termination attorney. Secondly, do not lose your temper in front of the former employer or do not act anything negative. After that, make sure that you are trying to obtain the personnel file, reviewing the employment contract, and try to know who was behind your dismissal. When you file for a wrongful termination claim, all of this information is going to play a major role in weighing down the employer.
An experienced wrongful termination attorney will be able to help you with the case and will make you understand the various outcomes. Thus, make sure that you are consulting an attorney as only he will be able to guide you when you decide to file for the wrongful termination claim.